On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 18:00, Speech by Ms. Kousounis Afroditis, Lawyer, at MSc. "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies" of the University of Piraeus

On Thursday, January 20, 2022 and time 18:00 - 21:00, the guest of the MSc "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies", of the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus, is Ms. Kousuni Afroditis, Ms. Kuosini Afroditis, Lawyer.

The lecture will be held for MSc students in the context of the Course "Intellectual Property, Personal Data and Regulatory Issues" of the directions "Digital Culture", "Smart Cities and Advanced Digital Technologies" and "Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced Digital Technologies ».

Talk Topic: Cloud computing and legal issues

Brief Biography

Aphrodite Kousounis: Lawyer at the Supreme Court with postgraduate studies in Public Law and a doctorate in Mass Media Law. He has worked as a lawyer for a number of years and since 2009 he has been a lawyer at the Communications Privacy Authority (ADAE), where he mainly deals with IT and Electronic Communications Law issues, but also Privacy in general. He is a member of the Association for the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy and has published numerous studies regarding issues related to modern technologies, but also more general issues of constitutional law.

#digitalculture #smartcities #IoT #internetofthings #lecture

20 Jan 2022

M.Sc. in "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies" Department of Informatics University of Piraeus 80, Karaoli & Dimitriou St. GR-185 34, Piraeus, Greece
tel: +30 2104142451 email: dcsciot@unipi.gr

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