On Thursday, September 26, 2019 and time 18:30 - 21:00 in Room 001 of the Central Building of the University of Piraeus, speech by Dr. Michalis Vaidakis, R&D Manager of the Fuelics company.
On Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 18:30 - 21:00 in Room 001 of the Central Building of the University of Piraeus, (Karaoli & Dimitriou 80, Piraeus), we invite you to the speech of Dr. Michalis Vaidakis, R&D Manager of Fuelics, in the context of the PMS "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies", of the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus.
Talk Topic: "The NB-IoT story: Fuelics NB-IoT Diesel Tank Level Sensor, Smart Parking NB-IoT Sensor. The NB-IoT Test Cases".
The presentation develops the methodology used for technological and business development in NB-IoT issues, test cases will be presented, such as development of the NB-IoT sensor for measuring the level of a fixed oil tank, development of NB-IoT sensors for smart parking as well as applications of NB- IoT for culture and smart cities. There will also be a brief review of the conditions and circumstances that contributed to the creation of the fuelics company.
Brief Biography
Michalis Vaidakis was born in Athens on February 06, 1976. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Patras in 2000. After finishing his studies, he started his Doctoral Dissertation on the subject of "Hydrostatic bearings for very high speed turbine engines" at the Laboratory of Thermal of Turbine Mechanics of the National Technical University of Athens, under Professor K. Papailiou. At the same time, he worked at Thales Hellas from 2004-2016 as a Mechanical Engineer in the R&D department. In 2010 he started his own company "SNV Engineering" in which he is manager, production and R&D manager. Since 2017, he has been corporately involved in fuelics as an R&D manager.
26 Sep 2019